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  • Mind Transition’s Interim Managerial approach

    Mind Transition offers a wide variety of professional opportunities for the Interim Managers in its network to meet the specific needs of its clients, and over a wide geographical area.

    Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us if you would like to be part of this network.

    1/ What is it like being an Interim Manager at Mind Transition?

    There is no “typical” profile. There is no such thing as a “perfect” profile either.

    Mind Transition Interim Managers are experienced professionals, immediately operational, and recognised for their expertise.

    Our Interim Managers’ network is made up of profiles exclusively identified and met in person by our consultants. Results-oriented, adaptable and reliable, they have in common a natural ability to take the initiative.

    This network is continuously fed by direct approaches, recommendations, and networks specifically dedicated to Interim Management. We work with “pure player” professionals experienced in Interim Management as well as “first-timers” wishing to move into this new kind of role.

    2/ How do you become a Mind Transition Interim Manager?

    The quality of our network is based on in-depth knowledge and the relationship we maintain with our network of interim managers.

    We systematically verify the scope of your service offering during our interviews.

    We draw up a complete profile of your “soft skills”, expertise and interpersonal skills, and your adaptability in particular.

    We determine together the financial terms of your assignment and your mobility.

    Keeping your information permanently up-to-date guarantees we can react quickly.

    3/ What are some typical assignments for Mind Transition?

    Interim Managers are called upon for three major types of assignments during a company’s life cycle.

    Managing transformation within a company

    Acting as a facilitator in change management, changes in scope, mergers, acquisitions, or business development, structuring and optimisation.

    For a minimum period of 6 months.

    Interim Management

    To ensure managerial continuity in an emergency (resignation, illness, dismissal).

    For a period of 4 to 6 months maximum.

    Coaching for teams and managers

    To help teams and the company grow by passing on knowledge and skills.

    For a period of 4 to 6 months maximum.

    4/ The administrative essentials: Contracting + Assignment progress

    Our priority is to ensure our Interim Managers can carry out their work as effectively as possible and reducing the administrative burden as much as we can.

    The assignment can be contracted in two different ways:

    • by a service provision contract if they own a company,
    • through an umbrella company we work with.

    Mind Transition undertakes to pay you according to the contractual terms, regardless of any delays in payment by our clients.

    We will support you through regular reviews and are constantly available throughout your assignment with our client.

    It is the fluidity of our relationship that ensures your assignment is successful.

    Discover more about our Mind Transition methodology: The Mind Transition approach for clients.

    Our expertise in strategic roles / occupations?

    • Business unit management,
    • Branch management,
    • Site management.


    • HRD,
    • HRIS,
    • PA,
    • Labour relations,
    • Talent management,
    • Compensation & benefits.


    • Consolidation,
    • Management control,
    • Accounting,
    • Treasury,
    • Internal control,
    • Risk audit.


    • Product development and launch,
    • Sales management,
    • Sales administration,
    • Internal, external and financial communication.

    Sales + Marketing +

    • Legal,
    • Tax,
    • Contract management,
    • Compliance.

    Legal +

    • Delivery,
    • IT,
    • Category management.


    • ISD,
    • ERP,
    • PMO,
    • Engineering.


    • Logistics,
    • Supply-chain,
    • Transport,
    • Production,
    • Maintenance,
    • Quality-Hygiene-Safety-Environment,
    • R&D.


    • CSR director,
    • Green finance analyst,
    • Carbon market specialist,
    • Engineer agroforestry.

    CRS Roles

    • Director,
    • Consultant,
    • Project manager.

    Cybersecurity + Business Intelligence

    Our expertise in key business sectors

    Administration + Local authorities + Associations

    Bank +
    Finance +
    Funds + Insurance

    Picto immobilier

    Construction + Property +
    Asset Management

    Picto digital

    Services +
    Consulting + Engineering +
    New Technologies

    Picto e-commerce

    Distribution + Consumer goods + Retail

    Picto ingénierie

    Industry +
    Logistics +

    Picto santé

    Health +

    Picto luxe

    Luxury +
    Entertainment +

    Picto hospitalité

    Leisure +
    Catering +

    Picto RSE

    Energy +

    Our news

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