Tailored, Teamwork, Responsiveness

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  • The Mind Transition offer: Interim Management tailored to your needs

    Interim Management is the most appropriate response to a change that occurs abruptly in the life of a company.

    Mind Transition helps you deal with critical situations related to a transformation, a replacement or a need for team coaching by an experienced third party.

    1/ Why use Interim Management?

    It is a fast and effective solution: the Interim Manager is operational immediately. They understand the context of an emergency and respond appropriately.

    It is a top-quality solution: the Interim Manager places their experience, expertise and interpersonal skills at the company’s disposal. Their expertise ensures that issues are understood and resolved.

    It is a time-limited solution: the Interim Manager intervenes for a pre-arranged length of time. This period gives the management team a chance to think calmly about the strategic directions to take in the long term.

    2/ Who can use Interim Management?

    Mind Transition supports a wide variety of economic entities, private and public, whatever their status, size, sector of activity or location, in France and overseas.

    Mind Transition identifies Interim Managers to fill the most diverse roles at all hierarchical levels: in coaching, industrial, operational and engineering positions.

    3/ When should you use Interim Management?

    Interim Management is a particularly effective response to a one-off, unexpected need.

    Companies usually resort to it in crisis or emergencies, or during structural or cyclical challenges: the steady development of the Interim Management market demonstrates its relevance and effectiveness in times of transformation, restructuring, or rapid growth, for example.

    Our expertise in strategic roles

    • Business unit management,
    • Branch management,
    • Site management.


    • HRD,
    • HRIS,
    • PA,
    • Labour relations,
    • Talent management,
    • Compensation & benefits.


    • Consolidation,
    • Management control,
    • Accounting,
    • Treasury,
    • Internal control,
    • Risk audit.


    • Product development and launch,
    • Sales management,
    • Sales administration,
    • Internal, external and financial communication.

    Sales + Marketing +

    • Legal,
    • Tax,
    • Contract management,
    • Compliance.

    Legal +

    • Delivery,
    • IT,
    • Category management.


    • ISD,
    • ERP,
    • PMO,
    • Engineering.


    • Logistics,
    • Supply-chain,
    • Transport,
    • Production,
    • Maintenance,
    • Quality-Hygiene-Safety-Environment,
    • R&D.


    • CSR director,
    • Green finance analyst,
    • Carbon market specialist,
    • Engineer agroforestry.

    CRS Roles

    • Director,
    • Consultant,
    • Project manager.

    Cybersecurity + Business Intelligence

    Our expertise in key business sectors

    Administration + Local authorities + Associations

    Bank +
    Finance +
    Funds + Insurance

    Picto immobilier

    Construction + Property +
    Asset Management

    Picto digital

    Services +
    Consulting + Engineering +
    New Technologies

    Picto e-commerce

    Distribution + Consumer goods + Retail

    Picto ingénierie

    Industry +
    Logistics +

    Picto santé

    Health +

    Picto luxe

    Luxury +
    Entertainment +

    Picto hospitalité

    Leisure +
    Catering +

    Picto RSE

    Energy +

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